The REI Experience

Back in April, while we were gearing up for the Long Island Real Estate Revolution online seminar, our co-founder Diana Lillo had the pleasure of being a guest on the Real Estate Investing Experience podcast with John Cohen and Chris Grenzig. 
On the episode Diana, John, and Chris speak about the cosmetic side of the business and the importance of a building’s identity, including why it makes more sense to upgrade the exterior of your building first. As John says in the episode, “You can’t change the reputation of have a bad egg by starting on the inside... you’ve got to show them somethings different first before you can go in and raise rents or increase the appeal on the inside.” At InspireDesign we see a building rebrand as a great way to announce new ownership and let the people in the area know that new capital is coming in.
Diana also offer tips on the best kind of artwork and graphics for commercial interiors, popular aesthetics to make the most of your building’s facelift, and how to take a more objective look at the cost of materials when setting your budgetWhether you’re an owner or investor, this episode is definitely worth a listen.
Given that this episode was recorded during a global pandemic, Diana, John, and Chris also address things like changing workspaces and how the line between residential and office spaces will start to blur as people incorporate features of one into the other. They imagine the future of co-working spaces after COVID-19 (‘work from home apartment building’ sound good to anyone?) and discuss the benefits of incorporating elements from and inspired by nature into spaces.
Listen along to hear more about how cosmetic upgrades can pay dividends in commercial real estate! 
Like what you heard? Click here to email us to set up a consultation!